NAICS CODES: 541430, 541613, 541890
BLM Recruitment Campaign
Bureau of Land Management
Recruitment Booth Materials in English & Spanish Including:
Branded display
Career banner
Recruitment Brochure
Career Cards
Branded tablecloth
Brand Strategy / Marketing
Graphic Design

Project Summary
Circuit Media was awarded a BPA call order to provide nationwide recruitment strategy planning, campaign creation, and campaign management to increase awareness of the BLM’s mission and interest in careers with the BLM. A key aspect of the BPA call was to highlight diversity among the BLM’s open positions and the diversity in their staff.

Circuit Media is formulating a recruitment strategy for both entry-level and senior executive career vacancies using research including stakeholder surveys and engagement sessions. Message development and message testing were conducted using internal and external stakeholder engagement to develop a national marketing plan and campaign with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Once the campaign is launched, Circuit Media will continue to host stakeholder engagement sessions for feedback. Circuit Media will also conduct regular reporting and data analysis during the life of the campaign for optimization. At the conclusion of the campaign, Circuit Media will develop an evaluation report that includes insights on campaign efficacy, overall findings and results, and recommendations for future recruitment campaign efforts.
Deliverables for the campaign have so far included recruitment strategy, planning and message development, message testing, campaign launch, and analytics associated with the launch. Deliverables also include editing/redesigning the BLM’s current recruitment materials and efforts to attract talent in entry level and senior leadership roles. Circuit Media took provided content (flyers, careers cards, and career guide) and edited or re-designed each for a fresher look while meeting BLM brand standards. Recruitment materials have been optimized for viewing on a computer screen or handheld device for maximum reach and efficacy. Each document will be 508 compliant, non-editable, downloadable, and shareable. Each document has also been translated and localized in Spanish for additional reach.